Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is something that I, along with many other girls, look forward to every year. We love the combination of glitter, glam and improbable great lingerie. It is an amazing and luxurious show. The models are super bubbly and happy, radiating both energy and inspiration. This is a sort of show that I will never get sick of.
This year it is airing on the 9th of December, and girls all over the world will be sitting ready to watch it at home in their sofas. Last year it aired on CBS with millions of viewers in America alone and it got over 5 million viewers online in just one day. This means it has a large audience and among them many critics as this show can be a little provocative.
Many viewers are young girls who can be negatively influenced. Some people will most likely find the models beautiful and good looking as they walk down the runway and therefore, do everything to strive to look like them. Numbers of people with anorexia increase every year, more and more get it which is not so strange, in our society nowadays. With this never-ending media that continues to post pictures of beautiful skinny models 24/7, it does affect some in negative ways, its not only that, but also a large amount of these pictures are photoshopped and airbrushed and changes in all ways possible. This will make society want to become something that isn’t even achievable. This willl cause people wanting to change how they look and the number of people getting plastic surgeries are rising all around the world. Why do we do this do each other? Why do we think it is necessary to change the way we look just to be beautiful?