These Brownies are inspired by american brownies and chocolate chip cookie dough, they are absolutely amazing and are well served with milk.
400 g chocolate
275 g butter
350 g caramelised suger
6 eggs
150 g flour
1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 tsp coffee (if you like the taste of coffee)
Chocloate Chip Cookie Dough:
175 g butter (room temperature)
170 g sugar
150 g caramelised sugar
200 g flour
2 tbs milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
200 g chocloate chips
50-100 g dark chocolate
50 g chocolate chips
Warm the owen to 175°C
This is how you do it:
1. Melt the chocolate and the butter either in the microwave or in a waterbath (by boiling up water and place a bowl in the water with the chocolate and butter in.
2. Add the caramelised sugar and mix well.
3. Add all the eggs and mix till you can't see them anymore.
4. Finally, add flour and vanilla extract and mix everything together. Then pour it in a 20 x 30 cm pan and cook in 30 min (at 175°c)
5. When ready you let it cool down while you make the cookie dough.
1. Stear room temperature butter around togeather with the sugar and caramelised surgar.
2. Add flour, milk and vanilla extract.
3. Finally add the chocolate chips and mix well.
4. When the brownie is cooled down, even out the cookie dough on top, and place the cake in the fridge for an hour.
5. Melt chocolate and pour it evenly over the cake, then sprinkle with chocolate chips.
6. Enjoy!