Now it's almost time for university decisions. "The most important choice of your life", they tell us over and over, as if that school choice would be a life-changing decision. Do they want to scare the **** out of us? Should they really be putting that kind of pressure on teenagers who are already burdened with confusion and anxiety over the futre?

When you mention university choice for twelfth grade students, you either get a reaction of "Oh no, is it so soon?" Or "What should I choose?!".

I can assure you that college choice is a real anxiety loaded subject since I myself am in the midst of fear, unease and especially, decision-anxiety. And unfortunately, those are the feelings that most people choose to describe their pre-university decisions. Constantly heard are things like "Where should I apply?" or "What subjects am I interested in?" as well as a million other questions that run through every teenager's mind every night before going to bed.

It is made out to be such a big deal. Everyone talks about it and puts so much pressure on the decision, which I think is why it is so anxiety-ridden. "The most important choice of your life." But is it really more important than anything else in the world? Or for that matter, in our future lives? 

Over 57 million children do not even get a basic education. You and I are very fortunate, and it's not that I question it. I question how exaggerated the importance of college choices are. You should choose something you are interested in, something that makes you wake up in the morning and look forward to going to school. 

So to all people applying to university this year: The truth is that it's not as big of a deal as it sounds. Whatever you choose, you can either replace or supplement the topics that are needed later. You do not really know right now what will pay the bills for ten years. Ask your parents, your teachers, anyone! I can guarantee you that the majority of them had no idea of what their future career would be when they were your age.

school, university,