Exam week is here, so I was thinking I could give you some study tips on how I would study and prepare myself for a test or an exam. Maybe you could try some out or maybe you already do some of them?

To get full marks on a test you have to study unless you are a genius (which most people are not) and to study efficient you have to know what ways works best for you. Do you have to read about the topic? Write notes? Or talk about it to someone?


Here are some good ways to study:

1. Make flashcards with the important things you need to remember and test yourself.

2. Write up definitions, formulas, or anything on post it notes and hang them up places you are, so you see them all the time for example, on your fridge, over your bed, etc. 

3. Listen to classical music while read over your notes from class or the book with all the things you need to know in.

4.Get together with friends and make questions, and ask each other questions.

5. Make a brain storming map about the most important things you need to know.

6. Use youtube or other websites to watch clips or documentaries about the things you are getting tested on.  

7. Do past papers or other online tests  for practice!

8. Don't try to do all your studying the night before the test, space out your studying.

Good luck!!